A Case kotrórakodók a legsokoldalúbb építőipari gépek, amelyek ötvözik egy kotrógép és egy rakodógép képességeit és tulajdonságait. Ezek a gépek képesek ásni, anyagokat rakodni és szállítani, így különösen hasznosak a kisebb építkezéseken, mezőgazdasági munkákban és tájépítési feladatokban. Az elülső rakodó különböző anyagok (homok, kavics, föld) mozgatására és rakodására alkalmas, míg a hátsó kotrógép különféle ásási feladatokhoz, árkok, alapok, gödrök készítéséhez ideális.
Nem olyan nagy, mint a hagyományos méretű kotrógép, de erősebb és nagyobb kapacitású, mint a minikotrók vagy a kompakt rakodók. Különböző kanalak, villák, fúrók, bontókalapácsok, markolók csatlakoztathatóak a géphez, így tovább növelve annak sokoldalúságát.
FPT: a leader in engine technologies
- Fiat invented the «Common Rail» technology in the 80s
- FPT Industrial produces over 600.000 industrial engines per year
- Our engines are used not only in earthmoving equipment but also in trucks, agricultural equipment, marine and military applications.
FPT Engine family
The 3.4 litre FPT engine featuring state-of-the-art technology delivers a big performance in a small package with the lowest maintenance cost in the market:
- The air intake system with centrifugal dust separator reduces the cleaning intervals.
- 16 valves allows perfect air intake management, higher turbolence and consequently optimal combustion.
- High turbulence piston and air intake manifold.
- High pressure multi-injection common rail for a perfect air-fuel mix and greater burning efficiency.
- Electronically controlled “waste-gate” valve for immediate engine reaction and shorter lag time before the turbo begins to spool and generate a boost.
- The integrated engine and after treatment system management always provide the highest power with the lowest fuel consumption, whatever the climate conditions or engine load.
- Viscous fan: no power is wasted with its low cooling demands.
- Fully HVO diesel compatible
The Auto/Engine Shut down electronic function surveys, the most critical engine and transmission working parameters, it switches off the engine automatically if the specific parameter is below a pre-defined and safe threshold:
- engine oil pressure
- engine coolant temperature
- transmission oil temperature
The system can be deactivated if required by the driver.
This solution toghether with SITE WATCH telematics helps to prevend any major failure, drammaticaly reducing costs for extraordinary maintenance.
Compact engine, optimized layout
- Oil and filter check points are easily accessible on the left side of the bonnet. The front opening provides the operator with a full view of the engine components.
- The anti bumping frame surrounding the radiators prevents damage if the machine hits an obstacle at speeds up to 5 km/h, reducing extraordinary maintenance costs due to cracks in the radiators.
- The externally installed SCR eases the access to the after-treatment components, while ensuring a wider space under the bonnet to be used for routeen maintenance.
The King’s DNA
Customers around the world have built their success on the power and performance of the CASE backhoe.
- The exclusive outer extendahoe is part of the CASE DNA: all the components in contact with the soil are protected against impact and material accumulation.
- The gripper teeth provide perfect material retention especially when working on pipe placement.
- The curved main boom provides greater digging ability and makes it easier to load a truck.
- Pilot controls automatically deactivate when not in use for improved safety. They are immediately reactivated at the touch of a switch.
A compact machine for big jobs
We don’t like to wasting time and fuel, and we know you don’t either, so we reduced significantly transport height with the overlapping cylinder geometry. The 580ST measures less than 3.5 m in height, while the 590ST and the 695ST measure less than 3.7 m.
Do it from the cab!
- The patented integrated hydraulic quick coupler enables the operator to change over the backhoe attachments from the cab, with a simple switch.
- The hydraulic side shift allows easy and quick backhoe replacement in all working conditions.
CASE Universal Coupler
The new Universal coupler allows to install on Backhoe boom, not only traditional CASE buckets, but also the most common buckets of the main backhoe manufacturers. This solution allows the customer to have multiple choices and to fit buckets alredy present on his yard. The universal coupler is optional for in-line geometry backhoe design.
No Stress power
CASE has enriched the offering introducing a new backhoe design with “In-Line” cylinder geometry and inner extendahoe. The new solution allows the customer to choose the better technology for his own needs. A different solution to lead the market with top performances, comparable with well known CASE DNA characteristics. The aligned cylinders ensure perfect visibility across the boom and reduce the structure bending distributing the stress. This is the typical solution adopted on large excavators where productivity and reliability are a must. The new technology will flank the well known and more backhoe oriented CASE DNA boom with overlapping cylinders and outer extendahoe.
Safe productivity
- Auto Ride Control reduces loader arm bouncing during travel, maintaining maximum material retention on all surfaces, for higher travel speeds and reduced journey times. The system offers a choice of 3 settings to match customer preferences or different soil conditions.
- The front axle offers +/-11 degrees of oscillation, to maintain traction on the toughest terrain, improve bucket retention and maintain high productivity.
- Different tyre designs (from industrial to agricultural) and technologies (radial or bias) are available to meet the different requirements for traction or resistance to impact and stress.
The job has never been so easy!
Curved front loader arms improve truck loading while mechanical self-levelling assists the operator. Return-to-dig function significantly reduces operator effort on repetitive loading operations and speeds up the whole cycle. Excellent front loader visibility and the mechanical self-levelling feature make loading and unloading pallets simple.
Top loading reach, lowest maintenance costs
For the professionals requiring very high tipping height or for those working mainly with the backhoe, the Straight Loader Arm is the preferred solution. The arm design makes the loader structure less complex minimizing the greasing points and providing higher visibility on the front of the machine. The straight and long arms have the loader pin point 8 cm higher than standard bent arms without affecting the breakout and loading performance which are aligned with the more “traditional” solution. The anti-tipping function keeps the bucket on the correct position while lifting the load, consequently there is no risk of material spillage.