Tömeg: 12.5 T Teljesítmény: 115KW/156HP
A Case gréderek, vagy más néven földgyaluk, olyan építőipari gépek, amelyek elsősorban a különböző tereprendezési, útépítési és karbantartási munkák során használatosak. A gréderek kulcsfontosságú szerepet játszanak az egyenletes, sima felület kialakításában, valamint az utak és terepek előkészítésében. A gréder fő eszköze egy nagy, középen elhelyezkedő penge, amely forgatható, emelhető és süllyeszthető, lehetővé téve a pontos földmunkákat. Az első kerekek kormányozhatók, ami növeli a gép manőverezhetőségét, míg a gép motorja és a hajtáslánc a hátsó tengelyen helyezkedik el.
A modern kabinok ergonomikus ülésekkel, légkondicionálóval és fejlett vezérlőrendszerekkel vannak felszerelve, ami gondoskodik a kezelő kényelméről és hatékony munkavégzéséről.
FPT Stage V
To maintain the advantages of the unique and unbeaten HI-eSCR technology, FPT Industrial integrated a maintenance free device on its SCR catalyst, thus allowing to comply with tightened limits on PM emissions within a compact package. This allows for a very compact engine compartment, resulting in excellent rear visibility. In addition, the maximum temperature reached during normal operating conditions by HI-eSCR 2 is still on average 200° C below a traditional particulate filter.
FPT’s Stage V Solution:
- High Performance
- Low Operating Costs
- Ease of Use
Get more productive at higher speed
The engine is completely application-engineered to power motor graders which require fast torque response to keep high productivity levels. For even higher performances the Dual Power maximizes operation at higher speed thanks to the power curve flattening from 4th gear.
Never so undemanding
Daily maintenance operations have never been so undemanding: all the main check points, on the left hand side of the machine, are easily reachable from ground level. The tandem mudguards are conceived to be the most functional and safer places to fulfil periodical maintenance operations like the air filter cleaning or the oil refill. The smallest aftertreatment package in the market doesn’t impact the engine layout sharpness: the emergency maintenance operations will then be faster and less expensive.
Jerk free shifting
The automatic shifting function eases the operator concentration and optimizes the machine performances letting the grader engine work on the most productive area of the power curve. The function combined with the torque converter never reaches the power unit stall, making the real difference from competitors in the grader sector. 100% automatic diff. Lock: the automatic «no-Spin» differential instantaneously transfers the torque from the slipping tyre to the wheel with better grip. The system doesn’t require any driver intervention allowing the operator to be focused on the blade movement control.
Precise at any speed
Creep mode on AWD models: 2 machines in one, the hydrostatic creep mode makes the front speed virtually independent from the engine revolutions: therefore the grader can be used in compaction application reducing the overall fleet deployed in road construction. Independently from the transmission chosen, 4 WD or 6WD, the 836C can be also equipped with 24’’ tyres: the ideal solution on uneven soils and when a low tyre bumping effect is required.
Zero friction engineering solutions
Moldboard design revolutionizes and maximizes controllability: very low friction developed during operation, jolt-free high rotation torque for a very smooth and accurate blade rotation and steadiness.
The slewing ring is mounted on roller bearings activated by internal gearing avoiding backlash, wear and supporting high mechanical strain.
The exclusive moldboard design, with fewer greasing points, reduces the daily maintenance drastically.
During the machine service life, periodical substitution of wear inserts is not required cutting down overall maintenance costs.
Stress free stucture
The “A-Shape” structure constantly compensates the efforts while working. The tipical lateral stress on off-set position are virtually elimates for longer operating life. The saddle can be hydraulically set on 5 different positions very easily thanks to a pin lock system; the exclusive moldboard geometry enables the operator to rotate the blade over 90° for each working side without any mechanical interference.
Easy material rolling
The infinitely variable radius blade reduces the traction effort, and in finishing operations improves the material mixing effect.
The CASE “800 series” grader can be equipped from factory completely prepared for the most commonly used blade control solutions. The unit is delivered to the customer with the basic, cables and supports. It’s a real “plug and play” solution: the customer has just to install the specific additional sensors needed for 2D or 3D blade control together with the display in the cabin and the blade control system is ready to work. The SiteControl preparation kit is compatible with different types of blade control systems: Sonic, Laser, GPS or Universal Total Station. The automatic blade control system allows even a less skilled operator to get a higher and more constant output from the CASE Grader, this helps to get the job done faster meaning fewer passes and always the right amount of material moved. Also an experienced operator will benefit from the system and is able to work faster and more independently. Consequently, grader operational costs which involves fuel, machine hours and maintenance are reduced. With a CASE SiteControl preparation each customer can easily switch components from an other construction machine. Allowing components to be used wherever they are needed and have maximum utilization of the investment. The installation of main components in factory provides an easier accessibility and consequently faster maintenance service: this is a guarantee of high manufacturing standard.
Banning power waste, spinning productivity
The exclusive hydraulic block, directly controlled, reduces any lever free play over the entire grader life, meanwhile the operator can benefit from a direct feed-back of the hydraulic system increasing the working accuracy. The float function, available as an option, lets the oil flow unobstructedly in the cylinders so to let the moldboard naturally follow the ground contour. Independently from CASE certified high quality components, this exclusive hydraulic system has been conceived to ensure always unbeatable performances, fuel saving, reliability and grader controllability.
Flexible performance
The CASE “800 series” grader can be equipped from factory completely prepared for the most commonly used blade control solutions. The unit is delivered to the customer with the basic, cables and supports. It’s a real “plug and play” solution: the customer has just to install the specific additional sensors needed for 2D or 3D blade control together with the display in the cabin and the blade control system is ready to work. The SiteControl preparation kit is compatible with different types of blade control systems: Sonic, Laser, GPS or Universal Total Station. The automatic blade control system allows even a less skilled operator to get a higher and more constant output from the CASE Grader, this helps to get the job done faster meaning fewer passes and always the right amount of material moved. Also an experienced operator will benefit from the system and is able to work faster and more independently. Consequently, grader operational costs which involves fuel, machine hours and maintenance are reduced. With a CASE SiteControl preparation each customer can easily switch components from an other construction machine. Allowing components to be used wherever they are needed and have maximum utilization of the investment. The installation of main components in factory provides an easier accessibility and consequently faster maintenance service: this is a guarantee of high manufacturing standard.
Aligned with performance
The rear mounted ROPS/FOPS cab offers a highly valuable advantage in comfort and convenience:
- Operators are aware of the articulation angle at all times
- The rear located cab improves visibility on the moldboard
- The cab weight carried on the rear frame emphasizes the machine traction
- Pneumatic and heated seat offered as a standard strengthens operator well-being at work
The wide tinted glass mounted on the front and on the side of the cab provides unobstructed all-around visibility. Even when the driver is working seated, he can have full moldboard visibility till its heel angle. The safety too is improved:
- The new rear view camera guarantees a safer rear visibility and an excellent operator comfort. The driver doesn’t have to turn back anymore when he has to drive the machine backward.
- Any obstacle can be easily recognized from a quick look at the wide 7” color screen.
A new Cabin equipped with all “mod cons”
Finally, CASE offers an elegant low profile cab on its graders providing best-in class comfort and visibility while reducing the machine’s total height of 180mm, so that there are no transport limitations.