Teljesítmény: 103KW/138HP Tolólap-kapacitás: 2.88 m3-3.18 m3
Case 1650M
Teljesítmény: 122KW/164HP Tolólap-kapacitás: 3.99 m3-4.84 m3
TovábbCase 2050M
Teljesítmény: 173KW/232HP Tolólap-kapacitás: 3.78 m3-5.57 m3
TovábbA Case dózerek, vagy más néven buldózerek, nagy teljesítményű földmunkagépek, amelyeket főként tereprendezésre, anyagmozgatásra, illetve bontásra használnak. Ezek a gépek erős motorral és nagy, lapos tolólappal vannak felszerelve, amely lehetővé teszi a talaj és egyéb anyagok (kavics, homok) hatékony mozgatását, eltolását.
Kiválóan alkalmas tereprendezésre. A dózerek számos munkaterületen megtalálhatók: építkezéseken, bányákban, mezőgazdasági területeken és erdőgazdálkodásban egyaránt. A tolólap különféle típusokban érhető el, mint például egyenes tolólap, univerzális tolólap és kombinált tolólap. Széles lánctalpaknak köszönhetően a nehéz terepen is stabilan tudnak közlekedni a dózerek.
Premium Tier 4i technology
The state-of-the-art common rail engine delivers top performance in load response, max torque, power and fuel economy. The combustion is optimised for maximum efficiency: it occurs at high temperatures and uses 100% fresh, cool air, as the air intake is separated from the exhaust. The turbocharged engine with an Air-to-Air intercooler relies on well proven multi injection technology to maximize torque back-up and fuel efficiency with reduced engine noise and vibrations.With SCR the engine runs with optimised efficiency. The M Series engine can run with 20% biodiesel, reducing even further its environmental impact. When the tractive effort grows and the rpm tends to drop, the engine power rises by up to 16% to 1800 rpm. The result: constant performance and higher pulling capacity. In addition, the ability to work with high torque at lower engine rpm reduces engine wear.
Fresh air breathing engine
The cooling package of the 1650M and 2050M has been redesigned and fitted with a hydrostatic reversible fan. In the new design, the radiators are mounted with no overlap, so that each radiator receives fresh air, maintaining constant fluid temperatures. The hydrostatic fan continuously adapts its speed to match the real cooling demand, reducing power absorption. The reversing mode reduces maintenance needs and lengthens cleaning intervals.
“ULTRA-LIFE” tracks
The redesigned undercarriage ensures higher stress resistance, and combines optimized dozer balancing for enhanced stability and controllability. The exclusive “ULTRA-LIFE” technology with lubricated bushing extends chain and undercarriage life in toughest conditions and sensibly reduces the dozer noise level. Considering that 50% of dozer maintenance costs are due to undercarriage components, the CASE solution brings a clear benefit for the most demanding customers.
Agile and strong
The operator has full control of the massive power of the M Series dozer. The electrohydraulic joystick enables them to customise the reversing and steering sensitivity for faster and more efficient cycles. The decelerator pedal can be set to reduce either travel speed only or both travel and engine speed.
Automatic blade functions
The advanced electronics functions enable the operator to control specific functions in addition to the standard blade movements:
- the on-board computer can be set directly from the joystick;;
- the blade reaction can be set choosing from 3 levels of sensitivity;
- the grading button immediately reduces the speed of the blade by 50% for more accurate soil contour;
- the shaking mode enables the operator to shed material quickly, especially when working with sticky soil.
Drive your performance forward!
The M series cab is engineered for operator performance, comfort and safety. The new positioning, further forward on the machine, ensures complete blade visibility. The operator can work with confidence and more productively in every operation. The air suspended seat is easy to adjust, providing every operator with a perfect working position. The powerful air conditioning system combined with the best-in-class noise level provide an excellent working enviroment, reducing operator stress during long working days.
Flexible performance
The M series is ready to work with the most common blade controls available on the market. The machine can be prepared in the factory for a specific configuration, ensuring perfect wire layout, visibility and component integration, guaranteeing the high standards of reliability of every CASE product are maintained.
Tools for every task
A wide offering of implements and equipments can be installed on the new CASE dozer:
- Drawbar
- 3 shanks parallel ripper
- Front cab protections and grids
- Winches predisposition
A choice of blades are available for optimum dozing performance:
- Foldable PAT (reduces the transport width within 3 m)
- Straight
- Semi-U
Balanced pushing effort
All the Bulldozer units offer the patented «Equistatic» system that increases the tilting capability, while reducing the efforts on the pushbeams, increasing the overall frame reliability and reducing the overall wear of components.
Ground access for servicing
The hydrostatic transmission brings less complexity and lower maintenance requirements than a traditional one. Belly plates on the bottom of the machine provide excellent access to controls and transmission components. The final drive installation on the main dozer frame enables dismounting while leaving the hydrostatic components in place. The transmission can even be reached through the cab floor, so it can be serviced directly on the jobsite. The refueling points (Fuel/Ad Blue/Hydraulic Oil) are conveniently placed on the rear of the cab in a well-protected place. The daily maintenance can be done quickly thanks to dedicated steps that make the access easier and safer. The new single piece main frame enables you to service the main controls easily from the ground, simply opening the wide lateral shieldings. Oil levels, battery status, electric components, filters and the emergency cut off switches are rationally grouped and clearly identified with colour coding. With the M Series, you can quickly get ready for your working day.